
Tuesday, June 19, 2007


It time of noon I packed and start for traveling in evening train
Yes at evening time of September tender rain with rose smell air
I sit on a sit in my room of evening train some boys play some game
Others are practices with band few are soldiers talking about war
One of whose are legless but on face of that soldier thousands suns
In the sit next to me a old man with dim flame of his eyes candle
In one sit two lovers are present with growing love
I am sit near window and try to capture moments of nature in the evening train
Yes it is the time when air smell changed rose to jasmine and rain little bit faster
Train passing near from a station I am not read name of station clearly
But I thing it is something like landary or whatever at the one side of station
When train passed fast l saw
A face of a girl only few microseconds but the brightness of her hair and
The freshness of her smile give me the feelings that I am at heaven in the
Evening train
I am in love by only one glimpse of that girl
After reaching at destination I came back and start searching of girl
With the help of unknown name of station landary
I try very hard I came daily in the evening train and start search
Ten years passed I decide that I marry only with that girl
So after ten year I am still alone
Now when I am of 60 and traveling in evening train at the time train reach
On same station I am still waiting towards window and I feel a hand touches my shoulder when I turn I saw brightness of hair and the freshness of smile
Which I saw almost 40 years before in same place in the evening train
She says I search you from 40 years because one day I saw honesty in your
Eyes and piece and grace in your face in the evening train
She takes my hand in her hand and we forget everything in the evening train
After sometime one hand press my shoulder I open eyes and turn back a men
Is standing and I was alone
He says ticket please……………….

17 october2004

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